Pantry Report for March and April 2020
Hello all,
I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your help over the past several weeks. Thanks to you, the Community Food Bank, and the West Orange Community, we have been able to remain open and provide food to all who have come to us since the middle of March.
I thought you might be interested in the numbers for March and April. We still have three pantry dates this week and next week so April numbers will go up.
March Stats
In March, we delivered 87 bags of groceries to the West Orange School District for lunches and gave out an additional 67 bags at the pantry for a total of 154.
In March, we delivered boxes of food (many personally shopped for) to 42 seniors/sick/homebound and a total of 75 family members.
In March, we provided food to 188 families for a total of 454 family members.
April Stats through April 20
To date, we have delivered 54 boxes/bags of groceries to seniors/sick/homebound.
To date, we have provided food to 205 families and a total of 642 family members.
On April 18, we provided fresh produce, dairy, and eggs to approximately 50 families during the soup kitchen.
Cynthia Cumming,
Director of Holy Trinity/West Orange Food Pantry